Graduation :: B.Sc Fire Safety & Hazard Management
First Year
- Safety Management
- Fire Science Part-I
- Fire Technology
- Industrial Safety
- Communication & Soft Skills
Second Year
- Industrial Safety Analysis
- Fire Science Part-II
- Security Management of Industrial Plants
- Organisation, Administration and Management Responsibility
- Chemical & Environmental Hazards
Third Year
- Industrial Psychology, Ergonomics and Accidents
- Industrial Noise and Noise Control
- Safety in Power Plants
- Safety Training for Employees and HRP
- Radiation Hazards
Semester 1
- Safety Management
- Fire science part 1
- Fire Technology
- Industrial Safety
- Communication & Soft Skills
Semester 2
- Construction Industry safety 1
- Construction Industry safety 2
- Emerging Planning & First Aid
- Communicative English
- Practical
Semester 3
- Fire Science Part II
- Security Management of Industrial plants
- Organisations Administrations and management Resposnsibility
- Chemical & Environmental Hazards
- Practical
Semester 4
- Industrial psychology; Ergonomics and Accidents
- Industrial Noise and noise control
- Industrial safety analysis
- Safety in power plants
- Practical
Semester 5
- Radiation Hazards
- Social security in industries
- Safety training for employs and HRD
- Occupational Health
- Practical
Semester 6
- Controlling Environmental pollution
- Disaster Management
- Energy conservation and sustainable development
- Practical 1
- Project & Viva