DIPLOMA :: Diploma in Automobile Engineering
First Semester
- English Communication I
- Applied Mathematics
- Auto Electrical & Electronics
- Auto Repair & Maintanance
- Auto Chassis & Transmission
- Applied Science Lab
Second Semester
- English Communication II
- Automobile Mechanics
- Automobile work Shop Tech.
- Automotive Engines
- Automotive Estimation & Costing
- Automobile Work Shop Practice
Third Semester
- Automobile Machine Shop
- Automotive Pollution & Control
- Basic Electronics & Electrical Engg.
- C Programming Lab
- CAD Practice (Auto)
- Basic Computer Skill Lab
Fourth Semester
- Computer Aided Engg. Graphics
- Engine & Vehicle Testing Lab
- Automotive engine Auxiliary System
- Hydraulics,Pneumatics&Power Plant
- ISAP Lab
- Machine Design&Theory of M/Cs
Fifth Semester
- Modern Vehicle Technology
- Motor Vehicle Management
- Organisational Management
- Special Vehicle & Equipment
- Project, Industrial Visit & Seminar
- Mechanical testing Lab .
Sixth Semester
- Strength of Materials
- Thermal Engineering
- Vehicle Maintance
- Vehicle Maintance Lab
- W/S Practice (Foundry, Welding & Sheet Metal)